

All the latest news about our company

A new thermal power plant
A new thermal power plant

A big and new thermal power plant in order to allow Oleotecnica's growth and strenght in the market.

GOLD Ecovadis Score 2021
GOLD Ecovadis Score 2021

Our new improved Ecovadis score on our social and environmental performance. Oleotecnica demonstrates its ability to bring under control the social and environmental risks.

Oleotecnica keeps growing
Oleotecnica keeps growing

New investments in production and mixing plant, in order to have more storage capacity and to be more competitive in the market.

100% renewable energy
100% renewable energy

Oleotecnica uses energy from certified renewable sources.

Oleotecnica wins the ESIG Product Stewardship Award 2014
Oleotecnica wins the ESIG Product Stewardship Award 2014

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) brings together Europe’s major producers of oxygenated and hydrocarbon solvents, including multinationals as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

ISO 14001
ISO 14001

Oleotecnica obtained the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 Certificate, after having already achieved the ISO 9001 Certificate in 2016.

Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 7
20054 Segrate (MI) Follow directions
+(39) 02.269011
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For any information do not hesitate to contact us